Well, the thermostat decided that it was time to turn the heating on this morning, so it looks like summer - sorry what summer? - is over. Sheffield Babywearers' main sling meets are indoors, two per month, but we also try to get together for extra mini-meets. Here's a little round-up of what's gone on over the last three months.

We usually aim to get photos of the babywearers at our meets, but the wearees look so cute in these photos we couldn't resist using them instead!
Babywearers' toddlers playing on the climbing frame
We had three walks, two from Hunters Bar to Forge Dam and back again, which were lovely, and one round Graves Park, which was curtailed by rain and turned into a very pleasant cafe meet!

The kids loved Forge Dam playground as always.

Children enjoy the water play area at Millhouses Park in Sheffield
A mini-meet in Hillsborough Park was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, and another in Millhouses Park turned out to be unexpectedly sunny, with the kids really enjoying the water play. 

A little girl sits in a makeshift hammock constructed by suspending a woven wrap from a tree
And look, a Girasol Felice wrap makes a brilliant hammock!  

One of the Sheffield Race for Life-rs toddlers, all in pink, poses with her mum's running number
Seven babywearers did the Race for Life on a blazing hot morning in July, and we're pleased to announce that we have now raised our target of £1,200 for Cancer Research.

A little girl tucks into one of the Sheffield Babywearers birthday cakes
And best of all, we celebrated our second birthday with a party in Endcliffe Park - in the cafe because of the rain, of course, this being England.

Everyone enjoyed the cake!

Opportunities for mini-meets become more limited over the winter as the cold weather sets in, but more walks are planned (keep moving to keep warm!) and we've got exciting things planned for International Babywearing Week in October, so watch the events page or join our mailing list to be kept informed!

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